October 30, 2018

Tewes Family Photos

Tewes Family Photos

It was a cloudy over cast day, as much as it may seem yucky, it makes for beautiful photos. I met the Tewes family at Beaver Creak State Park and captured some great shots. I have had the honor to photograph many life events for this family and am thankful for their continued service. I think it is great to watch families grow and to capture those life events.

October 25, 2018

Maci's 1 year

Maci's 1 year Portraits with Chase I had the most fun photographing Maci and Chase. It was for Maci's 1st birthday, She did cake smash, those are always fun and they are all different. Chase even got in on it. #family #familyportraits #babyphotos #1yearportraits #portraits #Photography by AM Photography & Design

October 11, 2018

Andrew's Senior Portraits

Andrew's Senior Portraits

Andrew is a very talented fella. He knows a lot about organs and loves to play his saxophone. It was pretty cool getting a behind the scenes look at the pipes for the organ. Hope you have a great senior year Andrew!